Don’t Tolerate the Status Quo. Elect Judge Brenda to Fix the City Attorney’s Office
We can’t fix Oakland without fixing the city attorney’s office – FIRST.
Oakland is a mess, and mismanagement of the city attorney’s office's is partly to blame. The City Attorney is one of the most important roles in the city--and one most people overlook. Few things impact Oakland more than the city attorney, so it's crucial we elect an objective legal mind and experienced leader like Judge Brenda.
When voters cast their votes, they will decide the fate of Oakland: either they elect an insider and keep maintaining the status quo of gross mismanagement -or- elect Judge Brenda and clean up the city attorney’s office and help fix the city.
Judge Brenda has proven through many years in private practice and 27 years as a judge that she can manage large teams handling very complex cases. She’s proven her objectivity and integrity during her unblemished career as an Alameda County Superior Court Judge. Her kind of experience is what Oakland needs to turn itself around.
Her opponent is ironically touting his experience in the City Attorney’s Office--but that experience of mismanaging major cases, exposing the city to millions of dollars of lawsuits, and failing to advise the City against shady city business deals - is what got us where we are.
The choice for Oakland’s voters is clear: either maintain the status quo by electing an entrenched insider like Ryan Richardson who helped get us into this mess or elect a proven leader like Judge Brenda who will reform the city attorney’ office and move Oakland Forward.